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Version: v2.0.0-rc.1


This part of the runtime provides access to native dialogs, such as File Selectors and Message boxes.


Dialog is currently unsupported in the JS runtime.


Opens a dialog that prompts the user to select a directory. Can be customised using OpenDialogOptions.

Go: OpenDirectoryDialog(ctx context.Context, dialogOptions OpenDialogOptions) (string, error)

Returns: Selected directory (blank if the user cancelled) or an error


Opens a dialog that prompts the user to select a file. Can be customised using OpenDialogOptions.

Go: OpenFileDialog(ctx context.Context, dialogOptions OpenDialogOptions) (string, error)

Returns: Selected file (blank if the user cancelled) or an error


Opens a dialog that prompts the user to select multiple files. Can be customised using OpenDialogOptions.

Go: OpenMultipleFilesDialog(ctx context.Context, dialogOptions OpenDialogOptions) ([]string, error)

Returns: Selected files (nil if the user cancelled) or an error


Opens a dialog that prompts the user to select a filename for the purposes of saving. Can be customised using SaveDialogOptions.

Go: SaveFileDialog(ctx context.Context, dialogOptions SaveDialogOptions) (string, error)

Returns: The selected file (blank if the user cancelled) or an error


Displays a message using a message dialog. Can be customised using MessageDialogOptions.

Go: MessageDialog(ctx context.Context, dialogOptions MessageDialogOptions) (string, error)

Returns: The text of the selected button or an error



type OpenDialogOptions struct {
DefaultDirectory string
DefaultFilename string
Title string
Filters []FileFilter
ShowHiddenFiles bool
CanCreateDirectories bool
ResolvesAliases bool
TreatPackagesAsDirectories bool
DefaultDirectoryThe directory the dialog will show when opened✅✅✅
DefaultFilenameThe default filename✅✅✅
TitleTitle for the dialog✅✅✅
FiltersA list of file filters✅✅✅
ShowHiddenFilesShow files hidden by the system✅✅
CanCreateDirectoriesAllow user to create directories✅
ResolvesAliasesIf true, returns the file not the alias✅
TreatPackagesAsDirectoriesAllow navigating into packages✅


type SaveDialogOptions struct {
DefaultDirectory string
DefaultFilename string
Title string
Filters []FileFilter
ShowHiddenFiles bool
CanCreateDirectories bool
TreatPackagesAsDirectories bool
DefaultDirectoryThe directory the dialog will show when opened✅✅✅
DefaultFilenameThe default filename✅✅✅
TitleTitle for the dialog✅✅✅
FiltersA list of file filters✅✅✅
ShowHiddenFilesShow files hidden by the system✅✅
CanCreateDirectoriesAllow user to create directories✅
TreatPackagesAsDirectoriesAllow navigating into packages✅


type MessageDialogOptions struct {
Type DialogType
Title string
Message string
Buttons []string
DefaultButton string
CancelButton string
TypeThe type of message dialog, eg question, info...✅✅✅
TitleTitle for the dialog✅✅✅
MessageThe message to show the user✅✅✅
ButtonsA list of button titles✅
DefaultButtonThe button with this text should be treated as default. Bound to return✅
CancelButtonThe button with this text should be treated as cancel. Bound to escape✅


Windows has standard dialog types in which the buttons are not customisable. The value returned will be one of: "Ok", "Cancel", "Abort", "Retry", "Ignore", "Yes", "No", "Try Again" or "Continue"


Linux has standard dialog types in which the buttons are not customisable. The value returned will be one of: "Ok", "Cancel", "Yes", "No"


A message dialog on Mac may specify up to 4 buttons. If no DefaultButton or CancelButton is given, the first button is considered default and is bound to the return key.

For the following code:

selection, err := runtime.MessageDialog(b.ctx, runtime.MessageDialogOptions{
Title: "It's your turn!",
Message: "Select a number",
Buttons: []string{"one", "two", "three", "four"},

the first button is shown as default:

And if we specify DefaultButton to be "two":

selection, err := runtime.MessageDialog(b.ctx, runtime.MessageDialogOptions{
Title: "It's your turn!",
Message: "Select a number",
Buttons: []string{"one", "two", "three", "four"},
DefaultButton: "two",

the second button is shown as default. When return is pressed, the value "two" is returned.

If we now specify CancelButton to be "three":

selection, err := runtime.MessageDialog(b.ctx, runtime.MessageDialogOptions{
Title: "It's your turn!",
Message: "Select a number",
Buttons: []string{"one", "two", "three", "four"},
DefaultButton: "two",
CancelButton: "three",

the button with "three" is shown at the bottom of the dialog. When escape is pressed, the value "three" is returned:


const (
InfoDialog DialogType = "info"
WarningDialog DialogType = "warning"
ErrorDialog DialogType = "error"
QuestionDialog DialogType = "question"


type FileFilter struct {
DisplayName string // Filter information EG: "Image Files (*.jpg, *.png)"
Pattern string // semi-colon separated list of extensions, EG: "*.jpg;*.png"


Windows allows you to use multiple file filters in dialog boxes. Each FileFilter will show up as a separate entry in the dialog:


Linux allows you to use multiple file filters in dialog boxes. Each FileFilter will show up as a separate entry in the dialog:


Mac dialogs only have the concept of a single set of patterns to filter files. If multiple FileFilters are provided, Wails will use all the Patterns defined.


    selection, err := runtime.OpenFileDialog(b.ctx, runtime.OpenDialogOptions{
Title: "Select File",
Filters: []runtime.FileFilter{
DisplayName: "Images (*.png;*.jpg)",
Pattern: "*.png;*.jpg",
}, {
DisplayName: "Videos (*.mov;*.mp4)",
Pattern: "*.mov;*.mp4",

This will result in the Open File dialog using *.png,*.jpg,*.mov,*.mp4 as a filter.